Did you know hydrogen is an energy carrier? Were you aware it can be 100% renewable?
Hydrogen as an energy carrier
- Renewables are currently cost-competitive witconventional energies.
- However, difficulties arise when it comes to management and storage.
- Hydrogen production by electrolysis could be the solution to these problems, doing them more dispatchable and affording large capacity, long duration, energy storage.

What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis is merely a process in which a direct electric current is used to dissociate the water molecule into its components: oxygen and hydrogen.

There are four technology strands to the development of electrolysers for hydrogen production:
- Stack technology (pilling or stacking of membranes where the electrolysis process is performed).
- Balance of Plant or BoP (the equipment and auxiliary systems that allow the stack to function).
- Integration technology (of the stack with the BoP, electrolyser with other plant components such as storage and compression, and plant with renewable energy facilities).
- The technology associated to the O&M.
Hydrogen, by means of electrolysis, provides a sustainable solution for energy storage, transportation fuel and industrial applications.

This is the traditional hydrogen market: refinery, glass industry, fat hydrogenation…

The use of hydrogen as an alternative for sustainable transportation.

Energy storage
Energy storage in the form of hydrogen, including renewable synthetic natural gas.

Defense and space
Enhancement of autonomy, and savings in bulk and emissions, in specific applications.